Saturday, April 15, 2017

089 | Be conscious about what Allah thinks of you.

Sometimes we bother about what people or the society think of us. This leads to a drastic change in our way of life. No matter how ever much we try, we can never please a society. We being a human are bound to error and the society will focus on our shortcomings rather than our strengths.

However, the right approach is to worry about what Allah thinks of us. If Allah is angry on us, then who can save us from his anger. And if Allah is pleased with us, then what else we want from Him? Our purpose of this life is to worship Him alone and please Him, so that we live a comfortable life in the hereafter.

Ifty Quotes | Be conscious about what Allah thinks of you | Iftikhar Islam
Ifty Quotes | Be conscious about what Allah thinks of you | Iftikhar Islam

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