088 | If you are in trouble then you remember Allah much. This is how Allah makes you to remember Him.
Allah has many ways to make you remember him. One of the ways is 'trouble'. If you are in trouble then you remember Allah much, you turn back to him. This is how He makes you to remember Him.
Turn to Allah whether you are happy or sad. Do not be among those ungrateful who forget Him at the time of joy and remember Him in sadness.
O Allah, we turn to you in every condition - whether happy or sad. Forgive our shortcomings and bless us in this world and in the hereafter. Aameen.
Ifty Quotes | If you are in trouble then you remember Allah much. This is how Allah makes you to remember him | Iftikhar Islam |
Ifty Quotes | If you are in trouble then you remember Allah much. This is how Allah makes you to remember him | Iftikhar Islam |
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