Thursday, April 6, 2017

080 | Have Taqwa instead of searching for Fatwa.

Fatwa, technically means opinion, usually taken from the expert which becomes a scholarly opinion. When it is issued by the authority or a Qadhi (judge) it becomes a verdict.

Sometimes, or almost always, we search for a 'Fatwa' that approves our way of thinking. It is known as 'Fatwa Hunting' or 'Fatwa Shopping'. We search until we find the fatwa in our favour. This is nothing but playing with the deen of Allah (swt).

Searching for a fatwa in order to practice or stay away from something is a good habit. What is incorrect is 'Fatwa Hunting'. So, instead of searching for a 'Fatwa', I mean Fatwa Hunting, it is better to go with Taqwa.

Taqwa is God-Consciousness. It helps us to practice what is good and go nearer to the best. In the mean time the person abstains from falsehood, errors, and sins because he is striving to become the best.

Ifty Quotes | Have Taqwa instead of searching for Fatwa | Iftikhar Islam
Ifty Quotes | Have Taqwa instead of searching for Fatwa | Iftikhar Islam

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