Tuesday, April 4, 2017

078 | If it is difficult to say Sorry to the people you hurt then you are suffering from Ego.

Apologising is a sign of high standard people. When a person apologises, it not only shows his admission of the fault but also, mostly, the act committed is by mistake as well as an assurances of not doing it again. 

Apologising raises the standard of a person to higher level. It may also inculcate a brotherly bond with a person from whom the apology is sought.

Leave away your ego and apologise to the people you have hurt. At least to those whom you know that you hurt them.

When we are unable to say sorry for the wrong we have done to others, then we should know that we are suffering from a disease called "EGO". Yes! My dear brothers and sisters, EGO is a thing which makes us arrogant.

Be humble and down-to-earth, these were the characteristics of the Propthet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - the most influential person ever walked on earth.

Ifty Quotes | If it is difficult to say Sorry to the people you hurt then you are suffering from Ego. | Iftikhar Islam
Ifty Quotes | If it is difficult to say Sorry to the people you hurt then you are suffering from Ego. | Iftikhar Islam

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