Monday, April 3, 2017

077 | Choose your ideal wisely. You will anyhow behave like him.

When you like someone - his talks, advises, dressing style, or acting etc - you start idealising him. Knowingly or subconsciously you start imitating him in one or the other way. Even his faults or bad habits are followed as if it is good. You starting hating those who speak against him of his way of life. So before falling into the trap think many times whom you are idealising. Your ideal is the one who - directly or indirectly - affects your behaviour. So choose your ideal wisely.

Ifty Quotes | Choose your ideal wisely. You will anyhow behave like him. | Iftikhar Islam
Ifty Quotes | Choose your ideal wisely. You will anyhow behave like him. | Iftikhar Islam

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